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[Verse 1] You sit there with that look on your face like you won
Like nothing that I say is gonna change how you feel now
You sit there and you tell me you fell outta love
And we are in your way so you just gotta leave now
And we just need to understand your reasons
And you are gonna justify this treason
By telling me the promises that we sworn ain't enough

So now you gonna be another person?
And how do I explain this shit to our son?
How'd you tell a toddler about a girlfriend?
Daddy's gone

Well, I will be the strongest that he ever knew
And I will be there when he needs a love strong enough
Don't worry I will carry your share for us
No matter how bad the storm
I will be strongest that he ever knew
And we'll leave you alone

[Verse 2]
You sit there with your phone in your hands and you're hurt
You tell me that you feel like you lost me when he came
I'm sorry but I cannot connect with your words
'Cause right now what matters isn't yours but it is his name
And we just need to find another income
'Cause she wants you to help her with her own one
And you want me to tell me that what you've done is okay

So now you gonna be another father?
And I will be a different kind of mother?
And you'd tell a toddler 'bout step brothers?
Daddy's strayed

Well, I will be the strongest that he ever knew
And I will be there when he needs a love strong enough
Don't worry I will carry your share for us
No matter how bad the storm
I will be strongest that he ever knew
And we'll leave you alone

Let's talk about family
Let's talk about family
Let's talk of the ties and the lies
And the love that we had in this family
Let's talk about honesty
You know nothing about honesty
I'll let go of your hands and our plans
And the chance that we had with this family

Well, I will be the strongest that he ever knew
And I will be there when he needs a love strong enough
Don't worry I will carry your share for us
No matter how bad the storm
I will be strongest that he ever knew
And we'll leave you alone
Oh na na, we'll leave you alone

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Resensi Buku "Dasar-Dasar Sosiologi Hukum" karya Dr. Sabian Utsman, S.H., M.Si.

Judul buku : Dasar-Dasar Sosiologi Hukum Pengarang/ Penulis : Dr. Sabian Utsman,  S.H., M.Si. Penerbit : Pustaka Pelajar Tahun terbit/cetakan : Cetakan 1, April 2009 Tebal buku : i-xxiv + 406 halaman Peresensi : Nur Zaidah* Bagi para insan penstudi ilmu hukum di Indonesia, khususnya bagi mahasiswa yang memprogramkan mata kuliah Sosiologi Hukum barang kali tidak asing dengan buku karya salah satu dosen di Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya, Dr. Sabian Utsman, S.H., M.Si. yang berjudul “Dasar-Dasar Sosiologi Hukum”. Sejak dicetak pada tahun 2009, buku ini telah beberapa kali dicetak karena banyaknya permintaan untuk dijadikan pedoman serta referensi bagi kalangan teoritisi maupun praktisi hukum. Bahkan buku ini telah dirujuk sebanyak 66 kali di Google Scholar dalam artikel/tulisan ilmiah. Sebagaimana judulnya, buku ini sangat komprehensif dalam mengupa


Kalimantan Tengah  sangat terkenal akan keindahan alam, etnik dan budaya di dalamnya. Semua itu tersirat dalam berbagai kesenian tradisionalnya yang unik dan menarik. Salah satunya adalah Tari Mandau. Tari Mandau  adalah salah satu kesenian tari tradisional suku Dayak, yang menampilkan atraksi dalam memainkan Mandau sebagai property tarianya. Nama Tari Mandau di ambil dari properti yang di gunakan dalam tarian tersebut, yaitu Mandau. Mandau merupakan senjata tradisional suku Dayak yang berbentuk parang/ pedang. Dalam pertunjukannya, gerakan Tari Mandau lebih mengedepankan atraksi dan seni tari yang indah dalam memainkan senjata berupa Mandau dan perisai. Berbeda dengan “Tari Mandau Kinyah” yang lebih mengedepankan unsur teatrikal dan seni perang dalam pertunjukannya. Tidak jarang dalam pertunjukan tarian ini mempertontonkan adegan yang berbahaya, contohnya seperti mengayunkan dan  menggigit  Mandau yang tajam. Namun semua itu tidak berbahaya bagi para penari, karena